Parental Guidance
Parental Consent
Gingersnap Creative Management requires parental consent for a child, under 18, to become a model. We strive for both parent and child to fully understand and approve their engagement and our terms and conditions. We will not interrupt a child’s schooling without the consent of a parent; should a child model work for us, while missing school, they will only work with your consent and the necessary licensing and education approvals.
Direct contact/scouting
Gingersnap Creative Management will only contact our talent off of genuine emails. These will follow the format If you are ever concerned about a non genuine email, please don’t hesitate to check the authenticity by emailing where we can verify the communication. We also may contact you through Whatsapp - please refer to the Models Handbook to verify any numbers which are contacting you.
Direct contact/scouting
Gingersnap Creative Management will only contact our talent off of genuine emails. These will follow the format If you are ever concerned about a non genuine email, please don’t hesitate to check the authenticity by emailing where we can verify the communication. We also may contact you through Whatsapp - please refer to the Models Handbook to verify any numbers which are contacting you.
Scouting events give the Gingersnap team a chance to refresh the books and look for new talent - the team will however always be required to carry a Gingersnap ID, and will not ask you for personal details. During scouting events, when approached by an authentic Gingersnap Booker, who is visibly carrying an ID, they will either: give you a scouting card, or provide you with a QR link to apply. As we do not use any third party scouting agencies, please do not provide any information to any non-authorised person posing as a Gingersnap Scout. Do not arrange to meet any person unless it is at our verified HQ address. Please do contact us on our verified number or email if you feel suspicious.
Fakes agencies
Please be aware that there are many companies that pose as Modelling Agencies and charge for portfolios with the promise of paid work. We do not advise that you use these services or pay significant amounts of money for professional photographs. No agency should ever charge you a fee to join or to take any images - Gingersnap will never charge for the onboarding process or in house digitals. If you ever have queries about alternative agencies or photographers, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Child Entertainment Licensing
In accordance with the Children and Young Persons Act (1933) children under 16 are unable to engage in employment. There are varying rules surrounding school attendance, and staggered ages, but overall children under 16 cannot work. Such in order to successfully model children must obtain a Performance License for every shoot day they participate in - regardless of if they miss school or not. Gingersnap provides complete guidance on applying for licenses, and will ensure all the proper documentation and safeguarding practices are in place prior to the shoot.
Responsibility of parents
As well as Gingersnap’s due diligence prior to the shoot regarding licenses, the law also requires a parent or appointed chaperone to attend shoots/casting/recalls and remain with the child at all times. The chaperone will be responsible for the child, and such is most often a parent. However in circumstances where a parents or parent-appointed chaperone cannot be at the shoot, a DBS-checked chaperone can be appointed by the council.
Gingersnap prioritises the protection of models from any form of harm within the industry. Social media can be a daunting place so it is important to monitor your child’s use and ensure they are only accessing age appropriate content. With exposure to the modelling industry there can be visuals of unhealthy and unsustainable beauty standards; while we do not encourage and actively shield our young talent from this. The modelling industry can be challenging and it is important to create a strong support system (including our bookers) and establish a child’s own boundaries. Gingersnap ensures that young people are never put in a situation where they feel as though they are unable to turn down work. It is important that a young person’s experience remains positive and they feel safe and secure in their work.
The Modelling industry is highly competitive, and not every casting will result in a job. Please proactively manage your own and your child’s expectations and prepare for both successes and setbacks. Building resilience in your child is key to thriving in the industry. Rejection is common and a supportive home environment will help prevent discouragement and maintain a child’s positive outlook.
By following these guidelines, parents can help their children navigate the modelling industry successfully, ensuring that they have a positive, safe, and fulfilling experience while pursuing their careers. The most important element throughout the process is maintaining open communication, setting clear expectations and always putting your child’s well-being first.